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Play Ball Machine Drills to Your Favorite Music

We all know ball machine is a precious tool in getting better at table tennis.
However, training with ball machine can be boring.
The solution? Music! 🎶🏓

Inspired by CHN_Shayne115, I made a ball machine drill pack that can match any song as long as it has a constant BPM (beats per minute).

Video explanation:

Music Drills cloud code for Eleven Table Tennis:

Spotify playlist that includes the 6 example songs:

To find the BPM (beats per minute) of any song, check websites like:

Show BPMs of songs in a Spotify playlist:

Show BPM of a Youtube song:

Manually tap and find out the beats of a song:

Additional notes:

I recommend to limit your drill BPM to be within 50~100.
100 is super fast, like what Fan Zhendong does in multi-ball training (
So if your song has a higher BPM than 100, divide the number by 2 until it’s within 50~100. here!

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